Category News

15 Email Marketing Mistakes

Email Marketing Mistakes

I’ve summarized a useful and truthful article about Email Marketing Mistakes (which you can find HERE), and it’s quite interesting not only for musicians, also for producers that need how to improve their email marketing approach. Email marketing is a…


post Production work

A very interesting survey and post by Blue Collar Post Collective, you can find the entire post HERE. A simple rates survey was conducted in October 2022. Fourteen questions were asked to gather basic data with the aim of helping…


Twitter hot to shoot

SHOOTING FOR TWIXTOR A common question here is what are the best camera settings so we get the best Twixtor results. Many cameras offer aside control for the shutter speed, options for FPS, resolution, compression rate, progressive or interlaced modes.…

Recommended bibliography

1) Manuale di Acustica e Tecnica del Suono.(Rossi-Leoni) ed.Rugginenti,1992 2) Tecniche stereofoniche di Microfonaggio.(Bertlett) ed.Hoepli,1998 3) Acustica (Santoboni) ed.MASSON,1996 4) Manuale di Acustica (A.Everest) ed.Hoepli 5) Acustica Applicata (E.Cirillo) ed.MC Graw-Hill serie tecnologica 6) Fisica nella Musica (A.Frova) ed.Zanichelli, 1999…