Bit Rate calculator to compile DVD
Here’s an useful site by that helps you to compile your perfect DVD using a calculator that allows to pull up your bit rate to use the maximum space on your optical disk. Download page:
Here’s an useful site by that helps you to compile your perfect DVD using a calculator that allows to pull up your bit rate to use the maximum space on your optical disk. Download page:
DOWNLOAD: Script to convert to Apple Motion Shape (for Adobe Illustrator) Hi guys! This is a simple script (not really simple) found on internet, to convert Illustrator shapes into Adobe Motion Shape. Very very very useful if you intend to…
Apple Motion 5: Motion Blur Tutorial Ep.2 Short examples using Motion Blur function in Apple Motion 5. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and if you like it, share it:) CLICK HERE:
Apple Motion 5: Depth Of Field Tutorial Ep.1 A short example using Depth Of Field function in Apple Motion 5. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and if you like it, share :) CLICK HERE:
ESISTONO 18 PARAMETERS BEHAVIOR in Apple Motion 5: ▪ Audio collega ogni parametro alle proprieta’ dinamiche di un file audio ▪ Average ammorbidisce le transizioni delle animazioni. ▪ Clamp restringe il campo di azione di un parametro animato ad un…
SHOOTING FOR TWIXTOR A common question here is what are the best camera settings so we get the best Twixtor results. Many cameras offer aside control for the shutter speed, options for FPS, resolution, compression rate, progressive or interlaced modes.…
1) Manuale di Acustica e Tecnica del Suono.(Rossi-Leoni) ed.Rugginenti,1992 2) Tecniche stereofoniche di Microfonaggio.(Bertlett) ed.Hoepli,1998 3) Acustica (Santoboni) ed.MASSON,1996 4) Manuale di Acustica (A.Everest) ed.Hoepli 5) Acustica Applicata (E.Cirillo) ed.MC Graw-Hill serie tecnologica 6) Fisica nella Musica (A.Frova) ed.Zanichelli, 1999…