Giorgio is an extraordinary professional. He has both strong technical skills and a deep experience in the field, and above all he loves teaching in the pure sense of transferring knowledge. So I strongly recommmend Giorgio both as a teacher in music and video environment as well as a professional for custom projects.
Luigi Danieli (CEO, Espero srl)
Giorgio is one of the most serious businessman in the sector jazz music in Italy.
I recommend him for those who want to work with him for his great professionalism.
Stefano Isola (Editor presso AudioVideoTeam)
Always a pleasure to meet up and work with Giorgio. A really friendly and yet extremely professional person, Giorgio manages to make working with him a fun and productive experience. Highly recommended if you have any shimmer of a doubt about whether or not to contact him!
Shay Stibelman (Digital Marketing Consultant at
Giorgio e’ un professionista serio, competente e, da direttore dei lavori, sa far rendere al meglio il proprio team. Come colourist e operatore video ha idee innovative, capisce le esigenze del cliente alla perfezione ed e dotato di ottima creativita’ . Le sue competenze si allargano anche sul fronte audio, altamente qualificate per aver gestito una etichetta discografica di successo nell’ambito jazz. Lavorare con lui e’estremamente stimolante e produttivo. Si impara molto da persone del genere!
Emanuele Pilloni (Responsabile Ufficio Stampa presso Rome is More e Moovenda)
Giorgio is a very skilled person. When I worked for him I was stiil a student and he taught me a lot about work and human as well. His advice was precious to me to grow up in my work. I never met an hard-worker as much as him. If you are looking for a professional work, Giorgio is the right person.
Valerio Persia (Self-employed at SuckerPunch Production)
Professionale e piacevole esperienza di tutoring InDesign avuta qualche giorno fa con il Prof. Lovecchio. Non mancheranno altre opportunita' di collaborazione.
Matteo Licci (Graphic Designer at Angelini Design Srl)